Chawton Innovation Services Limited is focused on providing help to companies in the area of Intellectual Property Management.
Many companies face challenges developing an Intellectual Property strategy and with organising and structuring their Intellectual Property activities. Ensuring the key interfaces between their Intellectual Property function and Senior Management, Research & Development Management, their inventor community (both internal and external) and external Patent Agencies and external Intellectual Property Service Providers are working well, whilst putting proper quality, cost, efficiency and value add metrics in place are an important step towards moving their intellectual property activities up the maturity ladder.
They may need fundamental assistance with creating and implementing a standard invention report template, running efficient and effective patent board meetings, rating the importance of their cases and deciding how to allocate work to internal and/or external Patent Attorneys. There also needs to be an understanding of the value of their IP portfolio, how to manage their IP licensing projects, whether to adopt pull versus push strategies with their inventor community, dealing with external inventors and an understanding of the IP Terms & Conditions in cooperation agreements.
Chawton Innovation Services can help companies and organisations facing such challenges via coaching sessions, formal training classes and/or the creation of white papers addressing specific issues.
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